Helpful People and Places

If you need someone to talk to right now

Samaritans (click for website)
Confidential, non-aligned, non-judgmental service for anyone in emotional distress or at risk of suicide who needs to talk. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. 08457 90 90 90 (UK) 1850 60 90 90 (ROI) or email

If you're a student you may be at a university which is part of Nightline (click click) - a confidential and anonymous listening service run by trained student volunteers right through the night during term.

Papyrus (click me) 
National confidential helpline for young people at risk of suicide. Mon-Fri 10am-5pm and 7pm-10pm. Weekends 2pm-5pm. 0800 068 4141

SANEline out of hours emotional support and information for anyone affected by mental illness. Operating 6pm-11pm every day on 08457 678000. Here is the SANE website
No Panic (click here) Confidential helpline from 10am-10pm for people suffering from panic, phobias, anxiety or OCD: 0800 138 8889

Ireland - Samaritans 1850 609090
Australia - Lifeline 13 11 44 - Suicide Line 1300 651 251
New Zealand - Crisis Line 04 494 9169
South Africa  - Lifeline 0861 322 322
USA and Canada National Suicide Prevention Hotlines 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)   1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255)
Norway - Kirken SOS 24/7 815 33 300
France (English-speaking) - SOS Helpline 3pm-11pm 01 46 21 46 46

Other worldwide Crisis Centre numbers can be found here

Other lovely Charities/Organisations and what they do
Overall mental health:

Mind (click me) mental health charity providing information, support and advice for anyone with/interested in mental illness. They have a plethora of info on their website, and are heading up some important campaigns within the UK.

Rethink Mental Illness (click here)  challenges attitudes to mental illness, provides information and support for those affected by mental health problems and raises issue with policy surrounding mental health.

Time to Change (click click) big campaign backed by many charities and celebrities battling to rid mental illness of its stigma by encouraging talking about mental health more openly. Lots of fun resources and interesting blogs.

Young people:
Students will usually find that their university welfare system has support and information about mental health.

YoungMinds (clickity) charity focused on promoting and improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children and young people across the UK. This is the charity I did my guest blog for.

Student Minds (click for website) (Formerly Mental Wealth and SRSH) promotes the creation of positive university environments and the improvement of student mental health, works with student-led groups from higher-education institutions across the country. Really easy to get involved.

Disorder specific helpful links:

Anxiety UK (click click) Helpline 08444 775 774 (Mon-Fri 9.30-5.30) charity working to help and support those affected by a myriad of different specific anxiety disorders with helplines and email support, live chats, therapy sessions and group support. Many resources available including apps to confront phobias and identify negative thinking styles.

OCD-UK (clicky) promoting the needs and interests of children and adults with obsessive compulsive disorders, funding research into the area and working to support those who are affecting by providing information about the condition. There are various discussion forums on their website.

Eating disorders/body image
Beat (click) is the UK's national charity committed to beating eating disorders, providing support for those affected by eating disorders and their families, improving treatment and services for sufferers and changing the stigma. They have a helpline (0845 634 1414) and youthline (0845 634 7650)

Men Get Eating Disorders Too (click here) does what the name suggests, fights the stigma that eating disorders are a 'girly' problem - it is estimated between 10 and 25% of people with eating disorders are male, MGEDT raises awareness of and represents the needs of men with eating disorders.

Body Gossip (click me) a massively inspiring positive body image campaign that aims to encourage being comfortable with who we are and believing in our own beauty by raising self esteem, promoting acceptance and celebrating all body shapes and sizes.


Depression Alliance (click here) working to relieve the stress of the condition by providing information and support services and raising awareness of an illness that affects 1 in 5 adults across the UK.

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